

We are doing our very best to make sure that we have lots of great vendors where you can buy next to everything having anything to do with our favorite felines. :o)


If you have a kitty, this is your opportunity to buy cat food, cat toys, cat trees (scratching posts), clothing items, gift items, jewelry, and plenty more! Many of our vendors have great specials that you can only take advantage of at the show.


The following vendors will be at the show (this list will be updated monthly):



Royal Canin


Meyer Show Service

Robusta Cat Trees

Welka's Present Shop

Pet Portraits by Karl-Heinz Stachowitz

Lions Breeder Service

Karin Bittner jewelry and gifts

Striegelkarlchen pet hair removal brushes

Katzenfanshop jewelry

El Mariba T-shirts and gifts

Grau GmbH  pet food and supplements

Olt's Pet Food

Schulze GmbH

Pet Fun Cat Trees/Furniture